Lauren tells us this morning... So I have a history project due Monday. We need to visit TWELVE different historical sites that were constructed or renovated during the Great Depression. We have to take a pic of me there. WHAT!? ok everyone in the car... I had fun! So here's the story I'm going with.... My brother was hit by a car on the last day of our accident. Oh no how? I really would not like to go into it. He's fine... (divert to miracle no broken legs.) Mental Note to self: STOP TALKING NOW! Our frozen vacation was really nice...besides the WHOLE family blowing chunks for three days due to altitude sickness. Cat was getting terrible headaches. The last day her oxygen level was 80 and we had to take her to the clinic to get oxygen. I was there the day before. One thing I learned on this trip...I was made to be near the sea. Although I knew that all along. I love water just not the frozen kind. Nothing we couldn't push through. To reach Ski Apachi, you must drive up the scariest f-ing mountain road I have ever been on and I've been on many. In Greece and Switzerland, I was on a huge bus which is scary but those drivers do it all the time. California was pretty sick a lot of sharp turns high up, but nothing like this. This one made my knees weak. You are on a sharp turning two lane cliff a foot away from the edge with only a cable to stop you from plunging like Thelma and Louise. I'm not afraid of heights or scared of very much, but I couldn't look down. Monday night it snowed. So now imagine that car ride with snow creeping on the road. We just reached the bottom of the mountain on the last day. Addie was already asleep and we notice Ron's no longer behind us. I text them and Laura says they're stuck. He wanted to try out his Hummer's new snow tires on the snowy shoulder and didn't anticipate the dept. What!? great. Shld we turn around? Then there's a text there's a lady helping us. Okay good. Now a phone call Ron's injured. Shit. I'm not going into detail about each and every dumb senseless decision that was made to lead up to that point. I'll just mention the jumper cables used as rope tied up to a drunk tatooed cleavage ranting chick's truck. she was shooting the finger at the cars driving by for not stopping to help. We drive up and see Ron screaming in pain in the snow. Moaning like I've never heard before. We move him carefully on a makeshift gurney off the snow and call EMS. At one point there were two trucks, an ambulance and a fire truck stopping a long line of people trying to get off the mountain. They said they think both legs cld be broken. They AIRLIFTED him to El Paso. We couldn't figure out how to unlock the gas tank on the Hummer to fuel it to get to him. Sigh. I took the boys home with me and Laura went to get my brother. He was just released today. God and my dad were looking out for him bc there were no broken bones. MIRACLE! A possible torn muscle. hmm Did I tell you he completly torn his shoulder muscle from his peck on his LAST vacation riding an ATV. He has Frankenstein sitches from his neck to his shoulder. he said he didnt regret that. Ron hijacked my vacation. At Cat's party we mentioned we were going skiing. He called our hotel that day and reserved the Presidental Suite. I love my brother and the kids get along so great, but he is NEVER going on vacation wIth me again. It's a miracle he's made it this far. She's never heard of the words "date rape". She asks bewildered "That's a thing?" My sweet girl. It's so sad that I have to tell her, inform her, WARN her about the horrible things that I pray NEVER happen to her. I tell all my girls No boys till after college. Boys will only distract you or break your heart before college (and prob after). They no money or formal education. Wait till after college and u can pick the one who is decent and successful. Ok prob not going to happen so My advice is to NEVER put yourself in a situation that will hurt you. You must be thinkinging ahead. If your relationship is causing more harm and sadness than you must remove yourself or make changes to stay away from the negative. |
April 2020