Cat’s first day in MS! Craziness! I’m so glad we are togther in the same school! It makes teaching MS for 12 years so worth it! She complained of passing period being too short. They don’t even seem like real minutes. Fake minutes lol!! She had a great day Alice’s her teachers!! Addie was so excited she met four new friends all girls bc most of the boys were naughty. I agree! She adores her teacher and loves school. They both came home happy ❤️ God is good!
My classroom, my agenda, my kids, tomorrow’s drop off for my 2nd grader baby, first time fears, can’t be late for first day, gotta leave fast in guilt and fear, 730am the latest, MS for my firstborn, serious nervous, throat tightens, gotta make it to 750 duty, but first AGR card pick up protocol, first impressions worries, do I show serious tough love or soft empathetic calm, find the balance, lesson plans, are my kids adequately supplied physically and emotionally, smoozing teachers to love and see my girls, warning then, pleading, praying its a good year for us all.
”There were three phone calls two years ago. You remember them right? You don’t? That’s even more upsetting?” “You suffocated me by making me breakfast and asking if I had homework and telling me to go to bed at a decent hour” “ So I didn’t call you for a year bc I needed space” “But then I got sick and you weren’t there for me” “If you really loved me, you and mom wld have stayed together” (stepmom sitting in front of me) Trigger: ”Everyone is ignoring me at my brother’s 22nd bday party. In the car you said to me, ‘I really would like to see my daughter back in school’ How dare you say that in that tone!?! when you know my medical condition doesn’t allow me to go this semester” even though I just got back from England with my class last semester.
Getting ready to go bk to Middle School and dealing with unreasonable. I pray my children find Jesus, so he can show them we only get one life. We must find a way to push through the pain and live in love and gratitude. Every minute we choose anything less is wasted and can never get back. Choose happiness any way you can. When someone wants to hold on to anger, there’s nothing you can do or say to change that.
Ive spent the last four weeks flipping our new little house, packing our big house, moving 10 years worth of stuff into a house that’s 1000sqft SMALLER, unpacking and organizing our new home just to start unpacking my classroom next week. I’m exhausted. Our builder says it will take six months to build our ranch house. Can’t wait to do it ALL over again!! Not sure where my summer went. I painted these all myself just ask my carpel tunnel wrists if it’s true. They remind me every day and night.
"Weary Blues"
Weary blues from waitin' Lord, I've been waitin' so long These blues have got me cryin' Oh, sweet daddy please come home The snow falls 'round my window But it can't chill my heart God knows it died the day you left My dream world fell apart. Weary blues from waitin' Lord, I've been waitin' so long These blues have got me cryin' Oh, sweet daddy please come home Oh, sweet daddy please come home Through tears I watch young lovers As they go strollin' by And all the things that might have been God forgive me if I cry Weary blues from waitin' Lord, I've been waitin' so long These blues have got me cryin' Oh, sweet daddy please come home |
April 2020