Grades were due last Friday. I had a parent send me an ugly email complaining about grades that have been recorded for a month now. She also told me one of my students recorderd my lecture on responsibility and respecting adults/authority. If a cops is asking you to put your hands up and you don't comply (argue defiantly)'s difficult to argue when you're dead. Tough truth. The next day, I collected everyone's phone and kept them during lunch. I have a class with two periods and lunch in between. I told them I was flattered someone recorded my words to keep forever. I told them to listen to it over and over. It might save your life.
So I have three days left with these beautiful children. What should I do? I am going to pass back portfolios, and they are going to see the wonderful work they have done all year. And I was thinking of handing out awards. How do these sound? Highest average Most effort puth forth Most creative Most sprinkles and frosting (extra effort) Most ants in pants (never in seat) Most gracious (GM, ty, please) Most Professional: neat work and projects The student who told momma everything with twist The student who blamed me more for their lack of effort The student who turned ALL their work in one day for the entire 6 wks. Bravest: the person who asked what they can do to pick up their grade ON the day grades were due by email bc they were absent from school that day! Most Loyal: The student who defended me without fail. The student who told me the most how they I loved this assignnent. The student most improved. The student with the greatest insight The student who inspired me more Future Lobbyist: student who was most passionate about helping Darfur Biggest bully: the student who recorded me and spread it around causing the mean teacher to collect everyone's phones. Best test taker: The student who took a photo of my test in first period and spread the test around to another who shared with the entire Vball team but still managed to fail. Future teacher: the student who loved attention most. Modified sitter: the student who wanted to sit under their desk instead of in their desk. Disappearing Homework: the student with a homework eating backpack. The book devourer: Student who read more than any one during, before and afterclass. Student who challenged me more to be better person and teacher. The student who helped me break down tasks and provide checklist and ensure date calendars. The student who showered me with Starbucks caffeine gift cards ok I won't use all of these bc the truth makes some cry. I'll be positive and maybe read the awards that didn't quite make it. I have the day off for a field trip tmrw with my 4th grader to The Magic Theatre. I really need this!
I worked all day teaching 90 MIDDLE SCHOOL kids who have checked out then I just shot a four hour wedding all night. I am beat and I miss my girls.
i feel like death. My girls were sick al last week and I guess it's my time. I don't regret cuddling and kissing them when they were feeling bad. I will do it again. Only thing is I have to administer the STAAR test for four days straight. it's torture. I hope tmrw is better. Please let tomorrow be better.
April 2020