Cat hurt her knee at her last Vball tourney. X-rays came out clean. Doc said rest 7-10 days. We are missing five games and two practices this week. Missed the day parade. We are pulling her in our wagon for the night parade. I want to believe it hurts her but it's hard. I'm like suck it u buttercup. We got games to win!
Addie plays tmrw at 1. My SIL and I coach. I pitched in the direct sun today (on my day off), so 8 6yrs can learn to make contact. We are 2-1 right now. Easter bunny brought Cat a vball net! We had fun! ron trying to hold my girls back, so his boys can get the eggs first.
There are times throughout the day I stop and try to feel something. "Access the situation" is my new mantra and frequent marital advice to my husband. And I see my life in two ways: I see the dark moments of disappointment OR see what I have been given and be grateful. At the end of the day when I process, my moments play like a slideshow, and I have a choice to look back and see the sadness OR open my eyes and focus on what's in front of me. I want to see fhe goodness in my life. I am trying.
April 2020