My brother is the perfect mix of idiot that loves to stir up my mom and sister. I just ignore and delete. I don’t even open his dumb links.
There’s something on my mind and it’s occupying my every thought. It will change the course of my life, our lives. I am not certain but there’s no stopping it if it’s true. I don’t know how I feel about it. I will leave it in God’s hands.
I didn’t want the day to go by before I could thank you and let you know how grateful Frank and I are that you are in our daughter’s life. Your help and support of Catalina’s future and well being is amazing. Your relentless hard work, the time and effort you give to your profession and our children has exceeded all expectations. Please know I see what you do and am so grateful as your peer and as a parent. If I could buy each of you a car, I would! lol I hope you have a restful Thanksgiving because you deserve it!!
Forever Grateful, Melinda I hate to brag but seriously I’m getting it done!
My six 6ks grades are done: three days early for 80 students 2nd grade Great Plains Dioramma finished: three day early and cleaned up Two quizzes studied for through SERIOUS attitude and deep breaths A-B honor roll as of 5:00 today with three days to hold Undefeated Zone champs Girls are doing three hits and five girls serving OVER at 8u They looked so far advanced from their peers Yesterday I coached Addies vball practice then ran her to club softball batting practice immediate after where I reviewed ratios and conversions with my preteen All of my students passed my class some only after I went through their backpack and collected half way done work or emailed parents to make them do their corrections or work Oh and I’ve read 2 books fifteen times One audio books forced on the ride to school with Cat and one book just for me Three more days till I can rest and recover and cook an entire turkey dinner for my family. Ten more years and my life will have so much free time to cry missing my babies. I’m not complaining. I’m bragging Addie’s playing 11u with a bunch of 8u lol. Cat is 11u. Just signed Addie up for basketball too. It’s going to get very busy very fast. I’m excited and tired just thinking about it.
When my husband’s hands pet me like I am one. I just say Back off Harry... Bill. Trump. Bk the F up Trump. He laughs and doesn’t get the message.
April 2020