oh Em gee it has been rough around here. Cat got the stomach bug from Austin. She was up all Monday night throwing up and then Addie was burning up for three days and nights. Of course i was still coughing and fatigued from previous sickness, then I got Rons stomach bug on Wed. The day I had a dyslexic workshop at Region 20. Cat had perfect attendance ALL year. No longer. And I had to leave my sick babies for work. This is the first attempt to get bk into teaching and I get hit with the hard reality that I'm about to be away from my girls when they need me most. How depressing. They survived and we are on the mend.... If you don't consider the fact I feel electrical shocks in my chest every time I cough. 8 days and counting.
i can't stand when ppl mistake my respect for insult. You shld never let someone make you feel bad about yourself. Be good for God and no one else.
so I've been really sick. This is day four. I went to doctors yesterday. Bronchitis and onset of strep. I had to cancel my yearly girls night out to the rodeo. I felt terrible. But once I got shot in the bum with steroids and was started antibiotics. I started to feel so much better. We planned a trip to Austin after Addie's 8am Bkball game. I didn't want to disappoint the girls so we came. Ron didn't tell me Jakob had a stomach bug Friday after school. Last night Cayman threw up on the carpet and today RONs been hacking up LOUD all morning. I feel bad wanna to get the hell out of here but I really really do. Wanna get the hell out of here. I just won't leave the boys like this. We just cleaned the whole house. Fanning out nasty stink and fetching RON water. I will stay to feed everyone lunch. And then I'm out here.
Raising my girls is a wild ride but I'm so enjoying every minute. Last night, Cat had to play against friends she's once been on the same team with and took a tough loss ending our playoffs. I love the lessons and skills sports teach her. How to work under pressure and maintain composure. How to be a good sport and how to take defeat with dignity. But also know it's ok to be sad because you care.
We rented a gymnastic gym since my children are always upside down. It was the first time I had to pay per kid. Holy smokes parties are expensive!! Poor Addie's hair doesn't even get done. Too busy kid scram. jk She took this party like a champ. No tears but allotta "For my birday party I'm gonna...." SILVER!
addie got picked to bring home the class pet. She wanted a pick of just us girls but wanted to cover my face. Funny Addie.
April 2020