I was called for an interview today. It's not the school I was hoping for. I was advised to hold out. It feels wrong to turn down opportunity. I'm not sure what I'm going to do.
I've been thinking a lot of why I want to teach again.... Quite frankly, I am worried for our country. I'm fearful of my children's future. What type of world will they have to live in. I feel an urgent need to help repair our nation. Education is the cure. Respect is the answer. I want to help educate our very soon to be adults, so they can respect for themselves, others and our planet. I want them to use their well equipped brains to make good decisions for their lives and community and see when they are being manipulated or lied to. I am a good person who models respect. I work hard and push myself to find success. I have very high expectations for my students and will do everything possible to help them see their potential. And they all have potential. I will show them that having a growth mindset and true grit anything can be accomplished. If I expect others to contribute their talents to help our community, then I must do the same. I need to do my part and utilize my skills and extensive education to help our youth. I hear the calling. The media spreading constant hate and violence pushes CRAZY hate filled ppl to do as the devil suggests. It must stop. It's too easy to blame society, social media or upbringing for all heinous crimes. The reason people do the unthinkable is because they are sick. You can take away their right to buy guns, but they will find an enabler to buy them for him. They will find a way. They need help.
We need to improve our mental health programs starting in education. We need to identify and seek help for those who so desperately need it. We need to speak up if we feel unsafe. And we must continue to support and monitor those identified as a threat to themselves and others. We need to stop spreading hate and racism, we must love each other through respect and acceptance. We need to come together, so we can feel safe again. Please I NEED to know my children are safe. God help us. I write my beliefs here bc I think I'm trying to solidify what I believe in. The written word is concrete. Settle on a mantra. Perhaps I'm persuading myself to believe my perceived truth. Bunch of BS sounds like.
Sometimes I imagine I'm writing to my girls, even my dad at times, but it hurts to keep it in the forefront. But know EVERY word left here is spoken to my love. My God is love. And I can't hide from God. He knows me and he sees me...like my father now. You know my truth. Because you know me. I have been loved before. I am loved still. I know the warmth that fills you when love is near. There are times when I stop and think of how I am living my days. Am I living through love or is it anger perhaps. Maybe it's indifference; the absence of love and hate. No matter what is happening in my life, only I have control of how I choose to act and speak. I will not allow the poison of hate to rot inside me. I can choose to live through love. This is where I will find God.
i had a list of all the things I demanded. Everything I thought was important to my happiness. Now the only two things I want is respect and honest love.
This is the last season CYO. 7th grade MS sports next year. sniff. I've been capturing this team since they were babies. My niece is so beautiful!
April 2020