I've learned several things in my last 39 years. I have enjoyed getting to know my foolish self. The most important understanding I have gained is that it IS possible to control myself. We all know I love to have control. The things that happen to you, the way people treat you are all are out of your control. Your choice of words, actions, reactions, thoughts and feelings are decisions you choose to make. The people you choose to have in your company is your choice. (I want) I WILL actively start recognizing and controlling every thought and feeling within me. I need a shock collar. Already failing, I hear my pessimism warning me that there were will be hateful people and tragic situations that will hurt you beyond repair...still even then you have a choice. I can let me wicked tongue and scornful fingers lash hate and fall into an easy depression... OR can I harden my shell and produce a protective smile. Repeat the words "it will pass" and choose to be happy. It is the responsible way to live. I am fully aware that I am not perfect. My faulty actions and hasty decisions will hurt others quite possibly my girls, but they are driving force. Their happiness is the direct product of me. I will be happy for them and my decisions will be made for their smiles. Comments are closed.
April 2020